Sad Quotes 8

Share the sad quote you like more from the selection we present below, you are going to find some quotes like these: 

"The ones who notice the storms in your eyes, the silence in your voice and the heaviness in your heart are the ones you need to let in.", "Each night I put my head to my pillow I try to tell myself I'm strong because I've gone one more day without you." or "At some point, you have to realize that some people can star in your heart but not in your life."

If you prefer you can choose quotes with images or only words.

"I feel like I'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen."

Sad Quotes

I lay in bed, for hours in the dark, at night, thinking about every possible thing I fucked up in my life.

Sad Quotes

The only thing worse than a broken heart... is knowing you would give them another chance.

Sad Quotes

At some point, you have to realize that some people can star in your heart but not in your life.

Sad Quotes

I smile all the time so that nobody knows how sad and lonely I really am.

Sad Quotes

Everyone in life is going to hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.

Sad Quotes

Most people waste the best years of their life trying to make the worst period even more sad.

Sad Quotes

Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Sad Quotes

Yeah. She's smiling. But don't let that fool you. Look into her eyes. She's breaking inside.

Sad Quotes

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.

Sad Quotes

This is the problem with getting attached to someone. When they leave, you just feel lost.

Sad Quotes

Each night I put my head to my pillow I try to tell myself I'm strong because I've gone one more day without you.

Sad Quotes

The ones who notice the storms in your eyes, the silence in your voice and the heaviness in your heart are the ones you need to let in.

Sad Quotes

I hope you have enjoyed these Sad Quotes.

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