Christmas Quotes 8

On this Christmas Day, choose quotes as beautiful as this:

"Why do the bells of Christmas ring? Why do little children sing? 
Once a lovely shining star, seen by shepherds from afar, gently moved until its light, made a mager's cradle bright. There a darling baby lay, pillowed soft upon the hay; and its mother sung and smiled: "This is Christ, the holy Child!" Therefore bells for Christmas sing, therefore little children sing.

Christmas Quotes

Last year, I asked santa for the sexiest person ever for Christmas... I woke up in a box.

Christmas Quotes

To you renemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.

Christmas Quotes

May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace. The gladness of Christmas give you hope. The warmth of Christmas grant you love. Merry Christmas.

Christmas Quotes

Christmas Bells. The singing waits, a merry throng, at early mom with simple skill, yet imitate the angel's song, and chant their Christmas ditty still....

Christmas Quotes

Christmas Day is nearly here, can you feel the festive cheer if you listen really well... Can you hear rudolphs bell?

Christmas Quotes

Christmas Greetings. The Christmas Day, brings memories and kindest thoughts untold, of friends we may not ofthen see but hope to always hold. So may, this greeting be a kink in friendship precious chain, and may there be a Christmas Day, when we shall meet again!

Christmas Quotes

I made myself a snowball, as perfect as could be, I thought I'd keep it as a pet, and let it sleep with me. I made it some pajamas, and a pillow for its head, then last night it ran away, but first... it wet the bed.

Christmas Quotes

This Christmas.
Qe hope this Christmas enriches your life; May each day be happy and bright, overflowing with pleasure and love; may your Christmas be filled with delight. (Karl Fuchs)

Christmas Quotes

I hope you have enjoyed these Christmas Quotes.

Have a nice day with