Sister's Quotes, part 1

If you want to surprise your your sister with a beautiful quote, maybe you are looking for something like this:

"Sisters by heart. We'll share so much laughter and bear each other's tears... our spiritual kinship will grow stronger each year... We're not sisters by birth but we've known from the start God put us together to be Sisters by Heart."

Below you are going to find a selection of quote like that.

Sister, in my garden of special memories, times shared with you are some of the most beautiful flowers of all.

Sister's Quotes

To my sister. For happy times shared through the years for the loyalty, love, the laughter and tears, for the special things only you can do. For all of these... I thank you...

Sister's Quotes

Sisters by heart. We'll share so much laughter and bear each other's tears... our spiritual kinship will grow stronger each year... We're not sisters by birth but we've known from the start God put us together to be Sisters by Heart.

Sister's Quotes

Sisters. There's a special kind of freedom that sisters enjoy. Freedom to share inner most thoughts, to ask a favor, to show their true feelings. The freedom to simply be themselves.

Sister's Quotes

A sister like you. Someone who will understand who knows the way I feel in every situation, her concern is very real.
Someone who  has walked my ways, who knows my every need, times when she would see me cry, her heart would nearly bleed.

Sister's Quotes

My Sister. I never quite know how much my heart will ache for you to feel your butterfly breeze blowing past me, beauty is defined in you, my sister, my friend, my adoration of your pure heart has no end...

Sister's Quotes

Dear Sister. Together on life's journey we have traveled... you and me sharing all the joys of life keeping each other company. Sharing lots of happy time and sometimes sharing tears always learning on each other together through the years.

Sister's Quotes

My Sister. Although we're not together the way it used to be; we share a special closeness that is very dear to me. The memories of the yesterday - years forever in my mind- with that special trust - Of love - That only we can find.

Sister's Quotes

Sisters. My sister, my friend. Our lives were brought together by a greater plan, but is by choice we became friends, only a sister can be the kind of friend who really knows you, and loves and accepts you through it all than you for all that you are to my life...

Sister's Quotes

You are near, even if I don't see you. You are with me, even if you are far away. You are in my heart, in my thoughts, in my life, always.

Sister's Quotes

A sister is a gift to the heart. A friend to the spirit. A golden thread to the meaning of life.

Sister's Quotes

Little Sister. 
My sister can be annoying, everything I do she wants to do it too. It's hard to have a little sister who wants to be like you.

Sister's Quotes

I hope you have enjoyed these Sister's Quotes.

Have a nice day with