Motivational Quotes, part 5

Be that person who gives support to a friend who needs a motivational quote or an optimistic word, remember that sometimes we need this kind of phrases. Below you are going to find a great group of motivational quote that you can use for get that purpose you are thinking about.

The ones who say "You can't" and "You won't" are probably the ones scared that "You will"

Motivational Quotes, part 5

I am thankful for the difficult people in my life. They have shown me exactly who I don't want to be.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

If you have a strong commitment to your goals and dreams, if you wake up every day with a passion to do your job, everything is possible...

Motivational Quotes, part 5

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When  you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

Focus. otherwise you will find life becomes a blur.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

You may not know where you're going but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

The worst thing I could be, is the same as everybody else. I'd hate that.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

You have to get up every morning and tell yourself  "I can do this"

Motivational Quotes, part 5

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

No rest is worth anything except the rest that is earned.

Motivational Quotes, part 5

I hope you have enjoyed these Motivational Quotes.

Have a nice day.