Sad Images, part 9

A sad moment can be represented, in a perfect way, with a sad image, below you are going to find an interesting selection of this kind of photos that can help you to share how you are feeling and to say your beloved people that there is not a great moment for you.

Choose the best image and send that message.

A sad image with a woman with out shoes in middle of some books.

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A sad image with a tender puppy.

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A sad image with a man sitting under a tree with a big image of a woman's face.

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A sad image of a woman crying.

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A sad image with a baby crying.

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In this image we can see a girl sitting and crying and a shadow behind.

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In this image we can see a woman sitting in the middle of a cloudy forest.

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A woman sitting in a river chore at night.

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This is the image of a tree without leaves.

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A sad image with a woman sitting alone on the floor.

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Here we can see a woman watching a butterfly on a glass with some drops of rain.

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A couple separated by a wall.

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Here we can see a woman lying on the rails.

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I hope you have enjoyed these Sad Images.

Have a nice day.