Grandmothers Quotes, part 1

Surprise your grandma on this Grandparents's Day, with one of the beautiful quotes that we present below, each one is special and I know that there is one perfect for you and for your grandmother if you choose it carefully.

A Grandmother Just Like You. I just want to let you know you mean the wold to me only a heart as dear as yours would give so unselfishly...

Grandmothers Quotes

Grandmas are just Antique Little Girls.

Grandmothers Quotes

Keep calm and hug grandma.

Grandmothers Quotes

Blessed are those who snuggle and hug, spoil and pamper, boast and brag... for they shall be called grandmothers!

Grandmothers Quotes

The only thing better than having you for a mom is my kids having you for a Grandma.

Grandmothers Quotes

Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete.

Grandmothers Quotes

A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.

Grandmothers Quotes

Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever...

Grandmothers Quotes

Walking with grandma. I like walking with grandma, her steps are short like mine. She doesn't say "now hurry up". She always takes her time...

Grandmothers Quotes

I love you. Grandma because... you tell funny stories, you are always kind, you help me make cakes, you push me on the swings, you let me water the garden, you give big cuddles, you have pretty hair, you take me to the park, you have a happy smile, you are very special.

Grandmothers Quotes

I hope you have enjoyed these Grandmothers Quotes.

Have a nice day with